Veterinary Eye Services: Corneal Diamond Burr Debridement

Debridement tool close up

Animal Eye Consultants performs corneal diamond burr debridement surgery for the treatment of indolent corneal ulcers in pets. Veterinary surgery may be necessary to preserve eye vision in pets with corneal ulcers. Based on the level of injury and damage, various surgical solutions are available including corneal diamond burr debridement or conjunctival flap and graft surgery.

Corneal Diamond Burr Debridement Surgery

Diamond burr debridement for the treatment of corneal ulcers is the gold standard for treating indolent corneal ulcers. There are many benefits of debridement performed by diamond burr. Typically, it is performed with a topical anesthetic, eliminating the need for heavy sedation or general anesthetic.

The procedure is performed by utilizing a hand-held, battery-operated, diamond burr wand. After numbing the eye, the diamond burr is gently passed over the ulcerated area in a circular motion to remove all of the damaged tissue.

After debridement, a contact lens may be applied to keep the eyelid from irritating the area until healing is complete. Your pet can go home the same day.

Post-Surgical Care

We will discuss all aspects of your pet’s post-surgical care with you. We will prescribe any necessary pet medications, to keep your pet comfortable and protect against infection. Additional follow-up visits will be required to monitor the healing process.

We are pleased to be able to offer this service to our clients. With proper care, corneal diamond burr debridement is a successful tool to preserve your pet’s vision. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.